Our dedicated, in-house team provide an exacting valeting service. From a gentle hand-wash and chamois dry to a thorough clean inside and out. Leave your car in our safe hands and we'll return it to you as gleaming as the day you first laid eyes on it.
(From 2 hours)
External: Hand hot wash, Chamois dry, Spray Wax, Windows cleaned, Tyres
cleaned and dressed.
Internal: Vacuum all areas, Clean around door sills, Polish windows,
dash console, steering wheel.
(From 4 hours)
External: Hand hot wash, Hand polished, Windows polished, Tyres cleaned
and dressed.
Internal: Shampoo of all upholstery (seats, carpets & mats), Polish
windows, dash, console & steering wheel, Vacuum all areas.
* All valet prices are inclusive of VAT and include an environmental charge